Daily Archives: August 31, 2024

Business Feng Shui Destiny

Business (office) feng shui Destiny 商业风水宅命 When i started doing feng shui 20 years ago, the term “Office’s innate Destiny Energy 宅命 Chart” is unheard of.  An office destiny chart is like human birth chart. It reveals the strengths and….

Shift in Day 入伙

Shift in day Chinese Custom 华人习俗 It is imperative to choose an auspicious date and time 吉日 良辰 to move into your new home. The traditional method is to follow the Chinese almanac (黄历) dates that are compatible with occupants’….

why feng shui

Why feng shui audit if our birth chart (fate) is fixed the day we were born. Most people have the misunderstanding that “feng shui” is a “life-changing” experience. It is NOT! It improves your opportunities to realise your life goals…..

Feng Shui tips

Here are some handy feng shui tips for you to unlock positive energy into your home without engaging a feng shui master. 1.Keep your house clean and tidy. Start small and form a daily habit. (a) Categorise things or belongings….

bad luck how?

How do we respond to bad luck? What if you are make aware that your bazi structure or 10-year luck pillar or annual luck indication is bad. Most masters will probably advise you to wear your lucky colours, home/office feng….

Home Destiny 宅命

What is Home Feng Shui Destiny 宅命-风水宅运 Home “feng shui Destiny 宅命” is analogous to a Human Birth Natal chart 人命 Every home possess it’s own unique Birth Chart 宅命. For easy understanding let’s call it “Home Feng shui Destiny….


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