2025 ReOpen 开市 开工

2025 乙巳年 Auspicious dates for Office ReOpens 开市 求财 求贵

Start off on the right foot in Year of the Wood Snake in 2025 for Office re-opening 开市 求财 based on auspicious day and hour selection. A good start to Year 2025 is half the battle won! Take leave and do what is necessary to help yourself.

Earliest Best Date 

2025 开市 office reopen 开工

Those born under the Year Rat Sign 鼠年 avoid this date. (庚子 壬子 v bad)

Good date for employees who need to start work early


Those born in Year of Snake 蛇年 avoid this date totally.  (癸巳 乙巳 v bad)

notice that dates before Spring commencement on 3rd Feb 22:12 hr 亥时 still belongs to the Year of Dragon

Below OK dates, if you have the choice to take annual leave, above 06 Feb is much better 

2025 office reopen 01 feb

Born in Year Zodiac Goat 羊年 avoid this date totally. (乙未 丁未 v bad)

2025 office reopen 04 feb

Born in Year of Dog 狗年 avoid this date totally. (戊戌 庚戌 v bad)



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