2025 Snake Year Feng Shui forecast

2025 Feng Shui forecast the Year of Wood Snake 乙巳年

2025 year of snake commencement

2025 Year of Wood snake 乙巳年 commences on 03 Feb 22:11hr 中原时间. So babies born before this date & time still belongs to 2024 Wood dragon zodiac.  

Last year i posted to end this yearly fengshui forecast but due to numerous requests,  glad to oblige & provide a short summary (the long version may take a few thousand words & a few days to do)

One of the popular formula to forecast 2025 likely World occurrences is based on Spring Commence 立春 Date and Time which is similar to a person birth natal chart.

2025 Bazi reveals that Wood Element is excessively Strong. This is because 亥卯半合木局 寅亥合木 where 乙木 Yi Wood appears on Year stem. Notice that Wu Earth 戊土 besides Yi Wood year column causing an effect of 强木(乙) 制 戊土. Wu Earth is Yang Earth 阳土 represented as Mountain.

Therefore high chances of disasters related to “Earth element (property included)” i.e. earthquakes, volcano eruptions, mountain blizzard, avalanches, falling property prices etc. A friendly advice for “love touring Singaporeans” avoid countries with histories of these occurences, moutainous regions, avoid mountaineering etc.

食伤克正官 signifies growing disconnection/tension between citizens and government or authorative  figures/institutions. One can also intepret as job market getting bad.

Avoid NorthEast sector and direction

If we need to predict the location and direction of “Earth” issues. One can superimposed Annual Xuan Kong flying star chart & Qi Men Dun Jia chart to determine which sector has the highest probabilty of such occurence. Both formulas points to NorthEast Zone Misfortune 5 and 奇门 天芮星.  

Depending on your requirements, we can use Xuan Kong flying star Feng shui as a “center point太极点to analyse further. For World events we use China 中原 as 立极点 to find out where are the NE countries concern. 

Or we can use Singapore as the center point to avoid travelling to NorthEast countries. This you can use Google satellite map to define. In feng shui is call 易即太极 物物一太极. Just like our home or business feng shui we use the center to define the 8 sectors.

一物一太极, 天地人合一   其小无内 其大无外

Wood element is strong represents hospital, medical, agriculture, culture, environmental concerns will be buoyant
Metal element is missing representing financial institutions, banking infrastructure

feng shui 2025

2025 Year of Wood Snake feng shui predictions: Find out how to improve your home feng shui and personal luck. Surely not about lucky colours to wear in 2025 (my clients asked me). If you are a professional or in business, one can’t be seen wearing colours other than black, navy and grey.

Based on the center of  your entire house, summary of individual sectors for 2025

Negative sectors (locations) :
NorthEast 5: the worst likely issues relating to respiratory and digestion 大凶 灾害 疾病
Center 2: similar to above but less severe 病符 
NorthWest 3: money lost, warmonger, disharmony, bad temper, thefts 好勇斗狠 贼星
North 7: money lost, gossip, throat issues, burglary 官非口舌

Positive sectors (locations):
East 9: 真禄 (己卯) 阴贵 (戊子) 青龙合灵 (甲+乙) Wealth star do activate with finesse and care because of 三煞 3 killings
SouthEast 1: Popularity, Networking, Status, Career improvement 官星 文章 人缘
SouthWest 8: Discounted Wealth star
West 4: Academic, studies, self enrichment 文曲 文昌 科甲
South 6: Authority, leadership especially blue collar professionals or military 武曲 官贵

#note this year 真驿马-辛巳  真阳贵-甲申 to avoid activating

5 sectors to avoid starting renovation this year:

SouthEast sector Tai Sui  巳山142.5 to 157.5 degree 太岁可坐 不可向 Avoid starting renovation in this sector.

East sector 三煞 52.5 to 127.5 degree 辰甲卯乙寅 忌坐 Avoid hanging around & starting reno in this sector. The negative effects also includes sighting construction in the East direction of your house.

NorthWest sector 岁破 亥山 322.5 to 337.5 degree

Entire NorthEast sector 22.5 to 67.5 degree – 五黄廉贞 正关土煞 Misfortune 5, money lost, sickness or any negative occurences

Center zone – Sickness 2

on-going updates as long as i have the time & feeling inspired…by end dec 2024







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