Home Destiny Feng Shui 宅命 风水佈局 玄空挨星 八宅 bonus bazi short tips

No hidden costs and No items to buy from me
Master Chan 曾 Home Destiny feng shui 三元玄空挨星诀 宅命风水 consultation is to provide you & your family a positive home environment for good health, prosperity, harmony & happiness.
Our talents and life path is “almost” fixed day we were born.
How to attract good luck
However one can improve our home feng shui environment by altering the timing and space we live in. In particular, one can utilise your Home Destiny chart 九宫飞星依配卦 以及按山向 house orientation 依阴阳顺逆飞配各星, 建立宅命挨星盘 to activate the positive individual sectors and mitigate the negative effects of inauspicious sectors.

玄空挨星诀,是玄空风水中最隐秘的最高理气方法,经曰:“唯有挨星为最贵,泄露天机秘。”所谓挨星,就是用九宫飞星依配卦 以及按山向 依阴阳顺逆飞配各星, 建立挨星盘。space-time continuum.
A Home Destiny feng shui Energy chart consist of 9 individual sectors and each location has it’s own unique energy signature see illustration above.
宅吉运凶 当减其恶 a Good home fengshui reduces bad luck
宅凶运吉 其福难显 a Bad feng shui house reduces good luck
What is Positive Qi 旺气 生气 energy?
One can survive without food but not without “气 qi (air)”.
Air or Qi in feng shui, in essence is energy.
Invisible like wifi signals exist and affects all family members. Not all “qi” are useful! For instance one do not want to frequently use the sickness or misfortune sectors. Therefore the necessity to do a Destiny Home Feng Shui Audit.
Positive Energy i.e. Prosperous Qi depends on “timing” calculated by 9 cycles of luck 三元九运. Putting feng shui aside, life is also about timing. Doing the right thing at the right time. The trick is to attract auspicious energy into your home and “use it” proactively.
Tapping into Home Destiny fengshui auspicious sectors
The consultation helps you to understand your Home Energy Natal chart 宅命, the locations of positive, neutral and negative sectors. How to layout your furniture, beds, working area, movements 动线 etc to optimise and create a positive home environment.
Thereby improving family’s health, safety, harmony, study, career, income and other worthwhile objectives.
If home physical structure allows, you are advise to utilise the positive sectors to enhance health, career, studies, wealth etc. If not, items are recommended to dilute the negative energies.
Your Home fengshui Destiny Natal chart is analogous to a Human Birthchart which is a PERMANENT and does not change in the future!

Once you have done a comprehensive Home Destiny Feng shui defense system, you are strongly recommended to D.I.Y. Annual FengShui instead of engaging me yearly.
Master Chan 曾风水 feng shui methodology
东方科学 正信 正知 风水相信而不迷信 方能得益
Non-spiritual and No selling of commercial feng shui products

Please No rolling of pineapples …
Authentic home feng shui consultation does not require you to pay thousands on feng shui products or finding a good date for key collection to roll pineapples. If you are advised to buy “blessed 开光” items or performing rituals then you are missing true feng shui help.
What is in it for you?
Permanent Destiny feng shui NOT annual feng shui 三元宅命 玄空挨星佈局
Health boost – physical, mental & emotional 八宅
Attract positive energy into your house 三元旺气 先后天卦
Encourage harmonious relationships 家庭和睦
Bonus Bazi Short tips to improve your life 子平术 (not feng shui formula)
Unlock home wealth sector 开启财位
Increase opportunities for career promotion 催官
Reduce financial loss & enhance wealth retention 减少财运流失
Enhance academic 文昌 and learning abilities 洛書 九星 流年
Improve home security against theft and misplacement
Auspicious dates for reno & shift in using 三元 三合 奇门 择日
No feng shui products to buy from me
onsite feng shui consultation procedure
1. To get a quote, please provide name, mobile, address, floor area and number of flr lvls within the unit e.g. penthouse
2. Once the price is agreed, make a prior booking 1-2 weeks ahead (first-come-first serve basis)
3. Minimum deposit of 10% of the feng shui fee or $100 whichever is higher to confirm the appointment & full balance payment collected onsite via paynow / paylah or cash
4. Onsite consultation – 1 visit only weekdays at 3 pm, duration about 2 hours
Once the appointment is booked
Email details in doc format to chan@fengshuimaster.sg min 5 days prior to appointment
- English Name (Chinese name not required)
- Address with postal code
- Birth details day/mth/year/time of birth western calendar limited to 3 occupants & relationship with contact
- A good resolution floor plan by developer or architect or HDB
an official report emailed to you within 10 business days after the onsite consultation for non-peak season (peak season Oct to Feb)
Master Chan
paynow / paylah mobile no: 9071 2121 for deposit and full balance payment onsite