Author Archives: admin

feng shui numbers

Feng Shui Numbers Numbers in different context mean different thing in feng shui. Definitely “4” is not death nor 2, 5 represent sickness. Luck is not associated with the number itself but in the feng shui context that it was….

Living Hall

Living Hall feng shui In today’s hectic world, quality family time seems almost impossible to achieve. Having a good feng shui living hall environment helps to create bonding and de-stress after a hard day’s work. Some may think that going….

Singapore Feng Shui

Feng Shui Singapore  i was told that Singapore enjoy great prosperity due to the existence of “5 feng shui dragons”. Best way to verify this is through original feng shui books like 黄帝宅经, 地理五诀, 青囊, 天玉经, 疑龙经, 阳宅十书, 阳宅三要, 入地眼….

bad feng shui

Bad feng shui energy One of the worst form of bad feng shui energy is facing an on-going construction site. Facing an on-going constuction site is difficult to solve due to it’s magnitude and duration. The feng shui effects for….

2022 feng shui forecast Singapore

2022 feng shui forecast Singapore Last year 2021 forecast Singapore events using qi men dun jia came true and well received. Thank you. It is heart warming to know you guys “like” & appreciate my effort when gratitude 感恩 is….

Expat Living Award

Feng Shui Master Pte Ltd Expat Living Readers’ Choice Award winner Thank you for your 3200 or more voters for making this happen. It is indeed an honour to receive this prestigious award. Thank you Expat Living team. Master Chan….

Retail fengshui

Retail feng shui Bad energy is welcome in retail business 若要发, 斗三煞 One contradicting fact from home feng shui is retail feng shui welcomes “bad energy” 煞气. The better you are able to manage the bad energy the better will….

ZiWei birth reading

Zi Wei 紫微斗数 chinese birth reading There are 2 popular formulas to calculate birth profile, one is Zi Wei Dou Shu (purple star) birth reading and the other Zi Ping bazi. Let’s explore Zi Wei birth reading methodology as Zi….


Altar feng shui Position of your altar in the house is a form of respect to God. It should be located at the best feng shui sector and not some “left-over” space. If unfortunate there is insufficient space due to….

feng shui architecture

Feng Shui architecture 峦头为体,理气为用 Based on “form feng shui” theories, architecture of a building can be categorize into 1 of the 5 elements i.e. earth, metal, water, wood and fire. Certain architecture of the buildings are good for business start-ups….

Bazi Character

Bazi Character (心性与性格) who we really are Generic traits and character is a complex subject. Why do we need to understand our generic traits心性 and character 性格? Reasons are to understand our inner passion, motivations, strengths, weaknesses, so as to….


Feng shui health tips Here some handy home feng shui health tips to improve your family fitness. One of my key principle & objective of home feng shui consultation is No Health = No Wealth. Without health one can’t even….

office layout

Feng Shui office layout Finding a good feng shui office layout is simple and good business for a Company. If the shape of your office is irregular with missing sectors, first it is impractical and second the missing area could….


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