What is Bazi Useful Element 八字用神
Finding your Bazi (birth profile) beneficial element/s 子平八字 体用 and 格局 用神 is one of the most challenging task in Chinese birth reading.
There are some bazi masters who proudly uses the mobile app to determine the analysis giving the impression of being tech savvy & modern. Don’t get me wrong i use mobile apps too out of convenience to churn out the birth chart quickly. However most of the conclusion from app analysis is usually wrong.
Problem with mobile app is unable to decipher the intricacies of bazi combination such as 合, 化, 刑, 冲, 害, 特殊格局 because is well over millions of combinations for year, month, day, time, stem, root, structure and others. So far i have yet to find an app that is 100% accurate!
Elementary calculations to find bazi useful elements
a. birth structure lucky element 格局用神
b. day master 体用神
c. season mediator 调候用神
d. protective element 保护神
Methods are complex and would take easily 5 -10 years of bazi learning in order to achieve any breakthrough. Most bazi master only analyse bazi Day Master beneficial elements without diving deeper to understand the relationship of the bazi structural strengths and flaws.
Season Mediator 调候用神 a Quick Fix
Please do not use this method as conclusive, is just a quick fix in the absent of bazi know-how. This method is using the birth month as season mediator 调候 to cushion birth structure imbalance. E.g. a person born in summer requires water and born in winter requires fire.
Unless your Birth profile falls under a Non-Standard Birth classification 特别格局 such as 专旺格, 从格 etc, this bazi auspicious element chart could be helpful to you.
Bazi mediating element for STANDARD birth charts
Why is it important
All our Birth Charts 5-element composition is IMBALANCE. Therefore it is imperative to harmonise the elements before they kill each other. The 5 Elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water 木火土金水. Birth structure disharmony will hurt our health, career, wealth and relationships.
How to use the chart to improve your bazi lucky element
The guide uses birth month 月令 to determine our lucky element. With so many bazi mobile app today, it is not difficult to find out your bazi day master & month of birth. Your Day Master is found in the day column and any one of these 10 天干 stems 甲乙 wood 丙丁 fire 戊己 earth 庚辛 metal or 壬癸 water.