Bazi Career Calling – find the job you really enjoy doing
One can integrate 2 popular formulas of Chinese Birth reading, 子平法 Zi Ping and 紫微斗数 Zi Wei Dou Shu (Purple Star) to choose the most suitable career for yourself.
The objective is to find out the nature of job scope that you enjoy doing most with the best possibility for promotions. The service is for medium-term career planning than a short-term fix like losing a job.
Have you ever wonder in your career pursue, even with the same qualifications and experiences yet your peers are way ahead of you? Do you consistently feel undervalued and under-appreciated?
“This post is dedicated to those who are willing to adapt, focus, talented, hardworking yet continuously passed over for a promotion”.
Finding the right job that suits your personality not only gives you job satisfaction but better pay & promotion prospects because it plays onto your birth profile strengths instead of weaknesses.
Step 1 understand your birth chart career assets
An individual will perform better in a career that utilises his “destiny” calling. “Destiny” in this context does not mean you are fated to do something but what you enjoy doing most. A Personality – Job match.
Please allow me to illustrate using a real-life example of my client. How this is done. He is a “Gui Water 癸水” person born in Summer. Gui is “yin water 阴水” like calming water 静水.
His roots consist of 巳 month 午 year 未 day 三会财局 forms latent wealth trilogy of fire. Day Master in relation to his structure is like an “oasis in the desert”.
Analysing his Bazi structure 格局 reveals 3 Bazi Structural Classifications “Officer structure 官格 Wu Earth”, “Indirect input” 卩格 Xin Metal and “Wealth” 财格. The most prominent is Officer. Due to his 10 year luck pillar and relative element strength influencing his entire life is “Indirect Input Structure”. His Day Master most useful elements are Metal & Water and season mitigator 调候 is water element.
Step 2 use Bazi Chart strengths 格局 to find the correct job description
The source of his innate bazi strength comes from Indirect input Element. The structure exhibits unorthodox analytical skills, intelligent, specialised technical skill, loner, eccentric nature and self-centeredness. Please note that here i used his eccentric nature & egocentric personality as a strength instead of weakness. He is like a mad lab scientist.
Thus a working environment tucked away from interacting with people on a daily basis works for him. The next step finds a job description that fits. Thus autonomous job nature such as software engineer, teaching, freelancer, surgeon…depending on his education and work experience.
Step 3 Match lucky elements to the right business industry
Step 3 although not crucial he can match his useful element provided he has the education and background in metal and water industry. Examples are: Cyber Security specialist for naval, bank, shipping, travel, airline, financial institution.
Why 3 steps Career calling ?
He got a job that locked himself up without having to behave like a political animal in the office. We are talking about a minimum of 8 hours of work, 5 days a week and 52 weeks per year. People are stressed out because they do not like what they do. In this case, he loves using his mental intelligence to do challenging work daily. This gives him job satisfaction. It makes him happy and enjoys doing so.
Job nature comes first because it is on a day-to-day basis and affects your passion.
Final 紫微斗数 Zi Wei Dou Shu (purple star)
The final step to raise career on a whole new level using the Purple Star calculation.
Zi Wei utilises “life”, “migration”, “career” and “wealth” palace 三方四正 to analyse a person’s career motivations. Add on 4 Star changes 紫微斗数四化飞星 to refine your career & wealth inclinations.
The Zi Wei Career chart reveals 10 years (乙庚大限) of excellent influence from 天机化禄,天梁化权 changing stars. It gives added advantage to mathematical ability, logical thinking, analytical skills etc. Thus he can also explore opportunities in custom software development.
Do what u love and love what u do
By helping you to recognize & expanding your strengths, of course!
It is similar to the personality-psychology test. We develop our personal strengths to strive for “good life” – the pursuit of happiness and self-actualisation. Studies prove that using our strengths instead of weaknesses improve results. The only difference is we use Chinese metaphysics system instead! However, the catch is one must be willing to put in the effort to adapt, to educate, to learn new skills if necessary and change.
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