C section date selection

Caesarean Birth service (c section)

Caesarean birth serviceIf natural birth is not an option, one can consider choosing an auspicious date and time for c-section (cesarean).

This involves selecting the most favourable “day & time” compatible with birth month and year. Thereby reduces the conflicts within the bazi structure  and make the best possible compromise in health, career, marriage, relationship and wealth attributes.

The fixed 7 to 10 days and time schedule given by your gynaecologist allow us to choose the most suitable date & time using 子平法 bazi principle.

Fixed Year and Month of birth

Since the year and month of birth is fixed, Master Chan will choose the most advantageous Day Master & time in relation with the entire structure八字格局, 调候, 体用神 etc.

Date chosen is not based on “Tong Shu” 通書 that is red in colour (which signifies auspicious). The red colour date is auspicious for certain events e.g. renovation which is not necessary a Good Bazi Profile.

Let’s use 1997 fire ox year as an example, babies born during 07 July to 06 August is fire goat month. It  pre-exist a conflicting clash between the year 丁丑 年 and month 丁未月 相冲. It affects generally age 15 to 30  stage of child’s life, unless a good day & time is selected to mitigate the confrontation.

Bazi is NEVER perfect

Thus a “good day and time” is to harmonise with the Year and Month. Selection of the Day and Time must NOT possess any conflicts such as 刑, 冲, 破, 害 and to ensure “collaboration 会, 合 compatibility” if necessary. A bad date usually have issues concerning wealth or career or marriage or health or luck aspects etc.

An individual’s birth profile or bazi is never perfect. What is important is to reduce the flaws within the birth chart and ensure countermeasures is fitted into day & time. The skill of C section to choose the best date & time with least number of flaws.

Child’s Bazi is the No. 1 priority 八字格局 和 体用

Given the fixed year & month choosing the best “day and time of birth” is a challenging task.  Obviously, the No. 1 priority is your child general well-being. One common fallacy is that the baby’s birth date must be compatible with parents. This is almost impossible because one’s bazi profile already consist of 8 variables i.e. Year, Month, Day and Time. To add both parents birth profile into the equation means that we have to find the best compromise for 8 x 3 variables. If one were to choose a birth date that fits his/her parents and compromise the Child’s health, personality, capabilities, talents, career, marriage then i believed we are missing the point here.

Best possible Day and Time 八字格局 within Constraints

The choice of Day Master 日主 & time influences the Child’s generic abilities and future. The date chosen determines his or her Bazi Classification 八字格局 and the influence of 10 stars and 6 Cs.

Information to provide for calculation

  • Feng Shui Master will analyse each individual day & time based on schedule of the C-section duration.
  • Let us know any dates or timing to avoid by gynaecologist e.g. Sunday, midnight hours
  • It is not necessary to visit my office, all these are done manually not computer software generated. Rationale is given in the soft copy of the report why the Date is Chosen as compared with other dates.
  • Gender of your child because the 10-Year Luck Pillars are different

Methodology to select the best C-section date

The method is “old school” manually calculate all the 7 days given by you. Each date/time will filtered through a process of elimination. Dates that are not compatible with Month or Year are automatically discarded. The remaining dates are further analysed to find the overall balance in health, personality, wealth, career, marriage and kids.

Consultation Fee: $1638

C-section is not encourage unless advised by your doctor

Use paynow or paylah to my mobile number 9071 2121 or paypal (overseas) to proceed. Please allow 10 business days for me to email the report to you after payment is made.




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