Category Archives: Feng Shui Office
Business 5 elements
Business Feng Shui 5 elements This article is a guide to categorise individual 5 element’s characteristics. Career or business compatibility is based on your talents, education, personality and experience etc. In business feng shui the Company logo, font or colour….
Business Feng Shui Tips
Business Feng Shui Tips 商业风水 Business feng shui thrives on Negative energies 斗三煞 Unlike home feng shui where T junctions, Junctions are view as nightmares, business feng shui particularly retail industry thrives on bad energies. In retail business, shops facing….
Retail fengshui
Retail feng shui Bad energy is welcome in retail business 若要发, 斗三煞 One contradicting fact from home feng shui is retail feng shui welcomes “bad energy” 煞气. The better you are able to manage the bad energy the better will….
feng shui architecture
Feng Shui architecture 峦头为体,理气为用 Based on “form feng shui” theories, architecture of a building can be categorize into 1 of the 5 elements i.e. earth, metal, water, wood and fire. Certain architecture of the buildings are good for business start-ups….
office layout
Feng Shui office layout Finding a good feng shui office layout is simple and good business for a Company. If the shape of your office is irregular with missing sectors, first it is impractical and second the missing area could….