Feng Shui Office Archives - Feng Shui Master https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/category/feng-shui-office/ Classical Feng Shui Wisdom, Modern Inspirations Wed, 18 Sep 2024 15:20:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/cropped-feng-shui-master-singapore-logo-32x32.jpg Feng Shui Office Archives - Feng Shui Master https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/category/feng-shui-office/ 32 32 Business 5 elements https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/business-5-elements/ Mon, 16 Sep 2024 04:00:58 +0000 http://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/?p=781 Business Feng Shui 5 elements This article is a guide to categorise individual 5 element’s characteristics. Career or business compatibility is based on your talents, education, personality and experience etc. In business feng shui the Company logo, font or colour....

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Business Feng Shui 5 elements

This article is a guide to categorise individual 5 element’s characteristics. Career or business compatibility is based on your talents, education, personality and experience etc. In business feng shui the Company logo, font or colour scheme can be enhanced further using Feng Shui 5 element-principle.

Feng Shui 5 elements are wood, water, metal, earth and fire. You can incorporate based on your product/service business type through marketing, promotion, social media, web etc.

feng shui fire element – Period 9 hot stuff 

business feng shui 5 elements

火 亮丽 热能 光电 礼仪 火爆 文明 礼仪 战争

AI, war, internet, Esports, fine arts, IT, advertising, genetics, psychologist, artist, graphic, computer, beauty, media, robotics, genome, electronics, mobile devices, cosmetics, fuel, singer, dancer, celebrities, aromatherapy, plastic.

Hot food & beverages, electrical engineering, energy, firework, gas, oil, petroleum, chemistry, thermal, multimedia, printing, liquor, laser, lighting, movie, photography, semi-conductor.

Anything that utilises or produces light or heat or electricity. Also related to beauty so businesses that improves aesthetic like face surgery, botulinum, manicure, pedicure etc

feng shui metal industry

金 机械 制造 道义 果断 权威 操控

Manufacturing, Financial, banks, insurance, gold, silver, machining, mining, car maker, key, hardware, glass, accountancy, auditor, military, police, security, debt collector, pawn shop, engineering, moulding, hardware shops, hardware stalls, metal, military, army personnel,

Work that involves metal, money, mechanical engineering, physical etc

feng shui wood industry

木 文化 宗教 新生 恻隐心 植物 滋生 仁正

Health care, culture related, education, learning, novelist, writer, journalist, librarian, educator, teacher, professor, relating to the educational business.

Publisher, carpentry, botanist, organic food, agriculture, florist, plantation, vegan, paper, doctor, timber, wood furniture, textile, stationery, cultural publications, writer, nurse, doctor, library, fabric, curtains, cloth, bookshop, gardening, office supplies.

Jobs that help or educate people whether mentally or spiritually.

feng shui water industry

水 智慧 流动 娱乐 寒散虚

Highly mobile businesses that involve water, changes or travelling or outdoor.

Marine, Naval, spa, fire fighting, aquarium, cold beverages, sauce, sportsman, illusionist, outdoor newscaster, swimming coach, cleaning companies, casino, sailing, yacht, kopi tiam, food stall, restaurant, retailing, stocks and shares, cold and refrigerated products like ice cream, fish, meat, fruits.

Aircondition, travelling, tourist industry, coach buses, transportation, trains, railway, anything businesses related to sea, water, liquid or need water to produce.

Jobs that involves mobility, fluidity, intellect, entertainment, coldness

Earth element industry 

土 信用 包含 稳固 基础 中介

Real estate and property related, architecture, building, construction, dog, storage & warehousing, pawn shop, antiques, building materials, renovator, ceramics, demolition, marble, pottery, real estate agent, landfill, recycle, sculpture, stone masonry.

Job that involves earth, soil, land, or rock e.g. carpark, mining.

5 Element Colours, Shape, font, graphics and symbolism

Fire: Red, orange, purple, pink, triangle, edgy and angular fonts

Earth: Khaki brown, yellow, brown, square, square fonts.

Wood: Green, rectangle, thin narrow font

Water: Blue, black, grey, wavy, cursive fonts

Metal: White, rounded fonts

Don’t go overboard – your customers is important too

Using the feng shui 5-element supplements your marketing, public relation strategies through materials like signs, logos and font etc. 

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Business Feng Shui Tips https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/business-feng-shui-tips/ Tue, 13 Sep 2022 03:39:28 +0000 http://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/?p=5405 Business Feng Shui Tips 商业风水 Business feng shui thrives on Negative energies  斗三煞 Unlike home feng shui where T junctions, Junctions are view as nightmares, business feng shui particularly retail industry thrives on bad energies. In retail business, shops facing....

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Business Feng Shui Tips 商业风水

Business feng shui thrives on Negative energies  斗三煞

Unlike home feng shui where T junctions, Junctions are view as nightmares, business feng shui particularly retail industry thrives on bad energies.

In retail business, shops facing junctions are good provided we are able to “transform” the bad to good. To quote Chinese feng shui classic 要快发 斗三煞 if you want your business to be prosperous you need to conquer it! 

Structural Layout affecting “Yin Yang & 纳气 “ 

singapore business feng shuiDo not choose a shop or office that is long, narrow and deep.  A ratio of 1:3 breadth vs length is not advisable. These are common sights for prewar shop houses in Duxton, cantonment, Neil road, joo chiat areas. Most are converted into SOHO or retail outlets.

In feng shui main door is “yang 阳” active energy and the back is “yin 阴” passive energy. Due to the longish layout, it is difficult for yang energy to reach the end of office. The energy is “choke” at the middle. It cause disharmony and invites office politics. It increases staff turnover and pose challenges to get sales.

Also ensure that the direction of your window or doors is towards the “good timing” based on San Yuan feng shui. Currently directions that are good for energy (not water) are NorthEast and South.

Shallow and Wide layout is bad too

Feng shui is all about balance.

The reverse layout where the office or shop is shallow and wide like the illustration is also bad business feng shui.

KDT PlanThis causes the “yang” energy to enter rapidly but unable to retain inside the office or retail shop. In feng shui perspective the Company will find difficulty to retain their earnings. So you will have a cash-flow issue. This is not ideal for customer loyalty.

Main door in Business Feng Shui 

The location of Main Door is of paramount importance in business fengshui. Before you purchase or rent the office, ensure that your main door is located at Wealth or Reputation sector and facing a prosperous direction. 

Another worthwhile pointer is to make sure that your main door does not face a “constricted” space example narrow passageway or wall or downward slop or stairway leading downwards. This causes the “yin” energy  to evaporate rapidly resulting in poor sales and profits.

Infrastructure leading to your office

Observe the road structure leading to your retail shop, are you located at the “tail end” of the road? This is similar to home units at the cul-de-sac end of the road

*Five Elements in orchard road singapore

If your business is a fast-moving consumer product or service then it should be located along “阳 Yang energy” i.e. major/main road  not tucked away in back-lanes. One good example of strong yang presence is Singapore orchard road.

On the other hand minor roads/back-lanes are “阴 Yin energy” suited for niche market or specialised services. Suitable businesses are pet shops, organic food, pedicure/manicure brothel etc  For specialised or niche products, customers will purposely look for you thus the yin energy.

Some feng shui masters are so myopia over trivials like counting of light bulbs or colour scheme, tilted doors and easily overlook the bigger picture – road infrastructure. The feng shui “location” is wrong to begin with. This is particularly important to retailers. The location of your business sometimes even precede over the importance of “Business Destiny 宅命”.

*article for Feng Shui for Modern Living many years back

Timing of “Earth” energy 三元九运 

Some of my clients were recommended to choose an office space or shop space based on Bazi / Birth profile lucky elements which is not correct. Take for instance your birth profile requires metal. Metal is West or North-West which is Tuas area.  So if your business is a fast-moving consumer product do you want to have a shop in the industrial side of Singapore? To make matter worse West belongs to the Period 7 where the “Earth energy 地运” ended in 2004 Feb.

For wealth opportunities you can consider buying offices or shops that overlooks water in Southwest, Southeast and North direction. Water refers to swimming pool, artificial lakes , rivers and so forth. Water towards SW direction is good during 2004 to 2024 and N or SE from 2024 to 2044.

Read more about Office feng shui 

contact or watsapp:
master chan +65 90712121

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Retail fengshui https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/retail-fengshui/ Sat, 04 Jul 2020 16:38:10 +0000 http://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/?p=240 Retail feng shui Bad energy is welcome in retail business 若要发, 斗三煞 One contradicting fact from home feng shui is retail feng shui welcomes “bad energy” 煞气. The better you are able to manage the bad energy the better will....

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Retail feng shui

Bad energy is welcome in retail business 若要发, 斗三煞

One contradicting fact from home feng shui is retail feng shui welcomes “bad energy” 煞气. The better you are able to manage the bad energy the better will be your business. Examples of bad energies are facing T junctions, box junctions, sharp pointed edges of buildings …which are actually good for retail feng shui! There is only one “catch”. It is the feng shui ability to manipulate the bad energy into a positive one. You will need sufficient physical frontage space to do so. Doing it wrongly and it will backfired.

Qi men Dun Jia doors in feng shui 

Be mindful of human traffic, walkways, escalators and roads leading to your shop, it must enter from auspicious directions 旺气 and exit towards bad directions so as to transfer negative energies 失运 away from your shop.

One can also use “qi men dun jia 8 doors” to establish the location of your entrances at “life door 生门 profit”,  “open door 开门 sales” or “relax door 休门” customers interaction depending on your merchandise or service. If you can integrate with other feng shui formulas like San Yuan, San He even better.

Masterplan and zoning 

Besides the usual principles to look out for when selecting a good business retail unit such as location, foot-traffic, size, wide frontage, rental, anchor tenant, one will have to research on Singapore LTA and Master plan for zoning and road structures. Singapore economy is evolving so rapidly, any sudden construction of a viaduct or MRT or expressway or flyover can affect your business profits. A sudden emergence of MRT exit constructed right in front of your shop, brings foot traffic and good business.

Shop feng shui destiny vs product / service offering 

Identify your shop feng shui destiny 商店 宅命. Does it support upmarket products or mass-consumer products. If your Shop Destiny supports branded products and you are selling fast moving consumer products then you are in the wrong business.

Wide frontage is good retail feng shui

Look around the world most popular shopping belt in the world. They have one common attribute. Wide pavement for walking traffic. Time square in New York, Ginza in Tokyo, Oxford Street in London and in Singapore none other than orchard road.

good retail shop feng shuiTake Ngee Ann City as an example, it has a very wide frontage. Notice the clever use of metal, flag pole & water. The left and right side of the building on the background looks like palms of hand to embrace the fountain of wealth. It is symbolic to the Green dragon and the white tiger based on “form” principles. The five flag poles is to deflect bad energies and water to trap wealth energy.

Anchor tenant

Mountain in business feng shui is symbolic to the anchor tenant. Chinese feng shui classics call it “山富沙旺”.

Cul de sac feng shui (dead end of the road)

If your shop is located at the dead end of the road, in feng shui is call “yin 阴” energy. This is popular for “privacy” businesses. Products or services should be “niche-market driven” than mass consumer impulse buying goods.

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feng shui architecture https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/feng-shui-architecture/ Sun, 12 Apr 2015 12:42:54 +0000 http://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/?p=5345 Feng Shui architecture 峦头为体,理气为用 Based on “form feng shui” theories, architecture of a building can be categorize into 1 of the 5 elements i.e. earth, metal, water, wood and fire. Certain architecture of the buildings are good for business start-ups....

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Feng Shui architecture 峦头为体,理气为用

Based on “form feng shui” theories, architecture of a building can be categorize into 1 of the 5 elements i.e. earth, metal, water, wood and fire. Certain architecture of the buildings are good for business start-ups while others for established ones.

5 element architecture classification 

feng shui buildings 5 elementsBuildings that are tall and slender resemble the wood element. These are good for young enterprising business. Sharp pointed buildings take after fire element. This is good for tech firms and new start-up. But it either rises or fall rapidly. Wave-like architecture – water element are good for people-business, such as travelling, tourism, PR. Long established companies can go for boring earth element structures, slow and steady win the race. Brand leaders, sophiscated products can go for metal structure buildings.

Where to locate your office – earth’s favourable timing

Feng Shui form theories divides physical environment into external and internal. External environment are the shape/height of building, road/train infrastructure, directions, and sizes that influence the quality and quantity of positive or negative energy leading to your office.

We can used Xuan Kong Di Yun 地运 and Tian Yun 天运 formulas to choose locations that are favourable. Currently we are in Period 8 2004 to 2023 where North-East region like Punggol is flourishing. Wealth direction-water in this period is Southwest direction or East for leadership presence.

The next period, flying star “9” from 2024 to 2043. “South” region presents the best investment opportunities. If the building faces a river or lake or swimming pool towards North or Southeast is good for wealth and status. Therefore for an investor one can consider investing in the Southern region.

Roads leading towards your building is important

Proper roads are convenience to customers.  Most would consider positioning the office in prime area is the best choice if budget allows. However the choice of location is affected by the product or service that you offer. If your product or service is for mass consumption such as retail banking than it make sense to have it in the prime area. Otherwise for specialise service like feng shui one does not need to do that.

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office layout https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/office-layout/ Sat, 15 Feb 2014 04:00:35 +0000 http://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/?p=3685 Feng Shui office layout Finding a good feng shui office layout is simple and good business for a Company. If the shape of your office is irregular with missing sectors, first it is impractical and second the missing area could....

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Feng Shui office layout

Finding a good feng shui office layout is simple and good business for a Company. If the shape of your office is irregular with missing sectors, first it is impractical and second the missing area could be your wealth zone.

In business feng shui, we match the correct business functions to right office feng shui energy. For instance placing your sales and marketing department in the office destiny wealth zone will escalate sales. Below are illustrations of good and bad feng shui layouts:

bad office feng shui layout

Notice the long and narrow layout? The Main Door faces a blank wall and you can barely stand 3 persons outside the frontage. The ex-feng shui master Singapore of my client tilted the door making the situation even worse!

feng shui office

Everything is fine for the above layout except that when i inspected the office, the missing sector is the Wealth sector. Moreover my client use it for his IT department which is counter-productive. Hence making profits is the fundamental challenge for this office feng shui.

Feng Shui Office not necessary a Total cure for bad feng shui

bad feng shui office

The problem of choosing these 2 offices. Unit 5 Main entrance faces a long, narrow constricted passage. Unless your Company is very strong financially, it is difficult to counter the rapid energies. The lack of space in the reception area also makes it difficult to do counter measures. Hence feng shui office assessment is not possible to cure 100% of the problem in the light of technical constraints.  Unit 1 faces the Lift door which could be good and bad depending on the energy chart of your office.

Choose your office feng shui carefully before renting or buying, you maybe stuck for 3 years!

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