Difference between Destiny vs Annual feng shui
Many clients are confused the difference between Destiny vis-a-vis Annual feng shui
Business or Home Destiny feng shui is analogous to a “human birth natal chart”.
Just like one’s birthdate, it does not change over time, hopefully we get wiser. Above is an illustration of a typical 9th Luck Cycle Destiny Energy Chart for a home or office.
Annual feng shui on the other hand are interventions that is temproary like SARS 2002, Asian Financial Crisis 1997, 2008 Lehman Brothers Collapse, Covid 19 etc. It affects our life.
Similarly your Office or Home feng shui Destiny feng shui is also affected by Xuan Kong Annual flying star 紫白九星飞泊, Qi Men Dun Jia 奇门遁甲, Tai Sui 太岁, San Sha 三煞, 飞吊真禄马贵人etc .
Popular formulas to calculate the NATAL chart of a house.
One of the most often heard feng shui formula is using gua number or 8 mansions theory 八宅. It can be based on a person or a house. For example if your house sits East and faces West then yours is a East gua 3 house.
San Yuan 三元 uses the environment and energy of the house. Drawing the same example East sector is further divided into 3 segments 甲卯乙 坐山 Jia, Mao or Yi. Therefore the Destiny chart can be either 1 of these 3. San Yuan Xuan Kong 玄空 is using timing (luck cycle) to calculate Earth’s energy affecting a given space. Obviously 三元 is more precise.
Qi Men Dun Jia to me is a supplementary tool e.g. for Annual or Month or Day or Hourly feng shui calculations.
2024 Annual feng shui as an example
![2024 feng shui forecast](https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/2024-Feng-shui-forecast-by-master-chan-715x800.png)
Annual feng shui is temporary. It only last for 1 year. Every year there are positive and negative energies rotating based on various formulas. You probably heard of terms like tai sui 太岁, san sha三煞,death door 死门, tian rui 天芮星, misfortune 5 五黄星, sickness 2 二黑病符 etc. The idea is to reduce the negative effects of annual stars and activate the positive ones every year.
the above annual chart integrated a few popular feng shui formulas to gain a more accurate picture for year 2024 fengshui energy for each individual zone.
Life is about timing and timing is everything
How often we hear in the right place at the right time.
One popular feng shui model, Xuan Kong flying star三元玄空飞星 believed in capitalising on ” the most current (prosperous) energy within a certain time frame for any given space 时间-空间”.
In today’s fast-pace context me find this formula practical and effective because it is fluid and time dynamic.
Currently we are in Period 8 2004 to 4 Feb 2024. Where star 8 is the most beneficial star because it is the governing energy. After 04 Feb 2024 the focus is on “9” being the most properous star, similar to a change in ruling party. Bear in mind that your office or home DESTINY energy chart DOES NOT change!
For feng shui to work effectively, a thorough analysis of your office or home destiny come first then Annual feng shui tweaks.
Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion in feng shui
A House destiny energy chart by itself is latent & static.
It is up to us to draw either the positive or negative or neutral energies for each individual sector. If the area is “inactive or passive” no energy is created.
Take for instance your store room nothing positive or negative will come out of it. This is similar to Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of motion. For every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.
In feng shui when there is no movements or motion, no positive or negative energy is created. It is that simple.