feng shui 2023

feng shui 2023

Feng Shui 2023 癸卯年 奇门遁甲-八门伏吟 integration of major formula schools

Year of Water Rabbit commences on 04 Feb 10:43am 巳时 not CNY 初一 on 22 Jan 2023.

Incorporating Annual 玄空 flying star, Qi Men Dun Jia 2023 奇门, Flying Tai Sui 真禄马贵 formulas

2023 Best sectors (locations) are North and South. One can use “light” or anything that is 24/7 “actively” in motion e.g. fan, clock etc to activate. It is that simple. Feng shui is not buying annual feng shui items and placing all over the place. 

me a football fan, using this analogy if a penalty taker does not shoot, the ball will remained at the penalty spot – inertia. once the taker shoot, “motion” is created thereby affecting the outcome of a football match. simply put “motion” creates energy thereby causing good or bad feng shui effect. 

rabbit year 2023

Northeast and Northwest based on Qi Men Dun Jia 开门 & Tai Sui 真禄马贵人. However one must resolve the negatives of flying star 7 and 5 (particularly NorthWest 五黄大凶  represents misfortune, sickness, wealth loss, disruptions ). As a fail-safe best not to activate these 2 sectors without consultation.  Loyal FSM’s clients following my blog yearly should know how to cure misfortune 5 and obsolete energy 7.

FENG SHUI 2023NorthEast: 生门 乙卯文昌/贵人 甲子禄 a good alternative to activate academic enhancement instead of the regular flying star 4 四禄文昌星 (imprison in the center) and 1 一白贪狼星 (SW) Death Door.

North: 休门 丙奇 飞鸟跌穴吉局, 丁巳阳贵 驿马

NorthWest: Misfortune 5 the worst energy 太阴 开门 丁丙(戌入墓tomb) 星随月转 use it with caution

3 very Bad sectors are Northwest 五黄煞 廉贞招灾惹祸 灾星, East 太岁 tai sui 二黑病符 & West 三杀 3 killings 岁破

2023 global outlook is not good. Do adopt a conservative and defensive approach in whatever you do 以守为攻.

曾风水  Master Chan Loyal Clients Privilege

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some clients asked me why no forecast for Singapore this year because the last 2 years prediction was accurate based on qi men dun jia. The main reason is i got no quiet time and feeling uninspired.


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