Feng shui health tips
Here some handy home feng shui health tips to improve your family fitness. One of my key principle & objective of home feng shui consultation is No Health = No Wealth. Without health one can’t even work to earn money not forgetting healthcare in Singapore is not cheap. To stress on the importance of having a vibrant health is an understatement.
A sad feng shui case – Bad Forms 形法
I was invited to consult a house feng shui many months ago. As usual before the appointment, i did a calculation on family members birth profile (bazi reading) and study the floorplan before on-site visit.
![bedroom feng shui health](https://www.fengshuimastersingapore.sg/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/bedroom-feng-shui-health.jpg)
During the inspection, i was shocked to see how bad this bed was positioned.
a. Bed (yin 阴 energy) placed beside bedroom door – yang 阳 energy (active). Imbalance of Yin and Yang energy.
b. It was placed under a low concrete beam shaded in yellow.
c. Headboard agains the wall where the stove is. Stove in feng shui is fire element. In other words, his head is oriented towards the stove for 6 to 7 hours of sleep every night.
d. Head was in direct conflict with the toilet door which is water element.
Structurally the bed is at the junction of water and fire conflict. Actually there are more. But not going into “energy management 理气” the bed position already violated so many “形法 form rules”. Realising the urgency, i recommended my client to shift away the bed immediately not even considering an auspicious date to do so 安床 .
He told me that his brother slept over there for the last 3 years and recently passed away because of brain tumour. Oh i am too late. He added this was the reason he consulted me. And mentioned his family health was deteriorating after shifted into this house. I felt sorry for him and did the fengshui cures. After about one month my client shared with me that their family health have improved.
Bad forms in feng shui can be so deadly. Interestingly a lot of feng shui masters got carried away with energy management and forgot that form is equally important if not more important. I have seen one master who tilted the bed and placed right in the middle of a room omg.
Importance of active areas affecting health feng shui
玄空学 Xuan Kong flying star:向首一星灾福柄,来去二口死生门
易 i Ching:吉凶悔咎生乎动. 动则变, 而产生变化
Over the last 20 years or more, most homes done by previous feng shui masters did not entirely neutralise negative energy in the house. Negative energy is either Structural physical forms 形法 or Unseen energy call 理气 qi.
Active areas are causes for concern in home feng shui. Things like the position of air-condition, clock, doors, water feature, window, stove. i have seen houses where the owners enclosed their house with heavy curtains without allowing air and sunlight into home. This is bad. A good feng shui home needs to enjoy high oxygen levels, the right amount of sunlight, avoiding areas with high EMF radiation and geopathic stress.
Holistic approach to health feng shui
A holistic home health feng shui should include calculation of home destiny, balance of five elements, management of unseen qi 气 / vibes, birth profiles integration, yin-yang harmony, determine the lucky energy path and checking for bad forms. Feng shui not only affect us but our loved ones too. So do take care of yourself and your family members.
General health tips based on feng shui principles
Here are some general tips to ensure good health based on fengshui principles for the interior of your home adding to the 3 pointers written:
1) Ensure that your home is clean. A house full of clutter is bad hygiene.
2) Ensure that the walkway flows freely and unobstructed.
3) Do not place mirrors in front of your bed, you will have nightmare and interrupted sleep.
4) Do not place your stove opposite the toilet door.
5) Do not buy a home that the toilet is right smack in the centre of your floor plan.
6) Do not place the bed beside the door, any door.
7) Headboard of your bed should not be towards the stove or toilet.
8) Avoid tech gadgets like laptop, mobile, charger beside your head portion of your bed.
9) Kitchen entrance should not be at the reverse end of main or room doors or toilet door.
10) Sharp objects likes axe and sword not to place beside any doors. This will result in accidents and surgery.
11) Stove should not be within energy combo of 2,5, 5,2, 5,9 9,5 and 5 Devil.
12) Do not carry out renovation without the calculation of auspicious dates.
13) Do not place family photos in the 5 devil sector.
14) Mirrors and clocks should be opposite to doors or windows.
15) Avoid homes that have very severe missing sectors or rectangular layout where the length is 3x longer than breadth. A square house is always a good choice.